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Кличко: Столиця готується до нового опалювального сезону, враховуючи масштабні пошкодження енергетичної інфраструктури

Київ готується до складного опалювального сезону, враховуючи масштабні пошкодження енергетичної інфраструктури. Про це мер столиці Віталій Кличко повідомив в ефірі телеканалу «Київ». «Із середини травня тривають гідравлічні випробування теплових мереж. Незважаючи на обмеженість фінансів, місто продовжує програму перекладки найбільш зношених ділянок тепломереж. Цього року замінять ще 55 км труб. Масштабну модернізацію мереж ми розпочали ще

Кличко: В столиці, на вулиці Бориспільській, горить склад з будматеріалами. Всі служби працюють на місці

  У Дарницькому районі столиці, на вулиці Бориспільській, сталося загоряння в приміщенні складу з будматеріалами. Всі служби працюють на місці. Про це мер Києва Віталій Кличко повідомив у своєму Telegram-каналі. «Пожежа в Дарницькому районі столиці, на вулиці Бориспільській. Горить склад з будматеріалами. Всі служби працюють на місці. Наразі виявили одного постраждалого. Розвідка триває, – повідомив

Klitschko: In Kyiv, the first systems of automated access to shelters and storage facilities have been installed and tested

The mayor of the capital Vitali Klitschko has visited one of the shelters in the Darnytsia district, where the overhaul of the premises was practically completed and a system of automated door opening was installed. Thanks to such systems, the shelters are opened immediately after the air alarm signal. “Kyiv has started construction of civil

Vitali Klitschko received the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage

Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko became a laureate of the prestigious Arthur Ashe Award for Courage, presented annually by the ESPY Awards committee. The award ceremony took place at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, USA. “It is a great honor for me to receive this award. I am convinced that this is a recognition

Klitschko checked the reconstruction of the house in Obolon, damaged by the Russian rocket

Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko inspected the reconstruction of a damaged house in Obolon on Bogatyrska Street, 20. On the morning of March 14, as a result of rocket fire, the house was significantly damaged and one person died. Today, the construction workers, disassembling the rubble in the elevator shaft of one of the entrances,

Wladimir Klitschko meets with the Chancellors of Germany and Austria in Berlin 

Wladimir Klitschko, the brother of the Kyiv mayor visited Berlin as a member of Ukraine’s delegation to help insist on enhancing the political, economic support as well humanitarian and military assistance the international partners provide to Ukraine now. In Berlin, he met with Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, Germany’s Minister

Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko briefs on the current situation in Kyiv

The Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko continues to provide information on the situation in Kyiv. Klitschko: Dear friends, dear Kyivans! The enemy’s airstrikes continue in Kyiv. A massive fire broke out at a shopping mall in the Podil district due to shelling. Due to the air attack, eight people were killed, two schools, two kindergartens and six

Klitschko: the enemy’s airstrikes continue in Kyiv

As Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko revealed in his Telegram post, airstrikes in Kyiv continue. “Dear friends! Dear Kyivans! The enemy’s airstrikes continue in Kyiv. A shell hit the courtyard near a 10-storey apartment building in the Sviatoshyn district. The building and parked cars are destroyed. Reportedly there are no casualties. Five people are injured, two

In a video, Klitschko shows the destroyed homes hit by a missile in Podil  

In his Telegram post, Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko showed the residential buildings in Podil that were hit by a Russian missile. The rescuers and health workers still work at the site helping and evacuating the civilians. “The enemy continues its attacks on Kyiv. A residential neighbourhood in Podil was shelled by the Orcs. One person

Klitschko talks virtually with the EUROCITIES mayors

Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko talked with mayors of almost 30 cities that are members of The Association of European Cities Eurocities. Those cities help Ukrainian refugees, donate and deliver humanitarian aid, medications and essentials. “I took part in a virtual conference that brought together the mayors of almost 30 cities that are members of The