Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz congratulates Klitschko on his re-election


“Dear Vitali! My sincerest congrats on your impressive result and your being re-elected which is the acknowledgement of trust vested in you by Kyivans. You have done a great job and Kyivans want you to continue,” said Sebastian Kurz in his video.”I wish you all the best in your job! I am looking forward to seeing you soon again. All the best to you!” he added.

Vitali Klitschko’ colleagues, mayors of Prague, Bratislava, Athens, Krakow, Poznan, Florence, Tampere, Chicago, Ankara, Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul and Kyoto also offered their congratulations.

“Thank you to all our friends and partners who support Kyiv and Ukraine!” said Vitali Klitschko on Facebook.