Kyiv Mayor’s Coronavirus Update – September 9, 2020


The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko held a briefing providing an update on the coronavirus situation in Ukraine’s capital and the measures the city is taking to respond.

Klitschko: Unfortunately, the number of new coronavirus infections in Kyiv is growing, with 310 new coronavirus cases overnight. In total 15,821 people in Kyiv have been infected with COVID-19. 

New cases include 167 females (18-83 years old), 122 males (18-78 years old) and 21 children.13 health workers got infected overnight. The majority of new infections came from Darnytsky district.

43 new patients were hospitalised.

84 more people recovered in the past 24 hours, tаkіng іt up to a tоtаl of 4,910. Four more virus-related deaths have brought the death toll to 250.

There are 913 coronavirus in-patients so far in Kyiv. 23 of them are children. 158 people are very sick, 65 of them are in the intensive therapy units and 18 are put on an invasive ventilator. 216 patients need oxygen support. More 84 patients are suspected COVID-19 cases.

We have already deployed additional beds, bringing the tоtаl bеd соunt to almost 2,000 in 16 municipal dedicated COVID-19 hospitals. Currently, they are 50% full. In case of a surge, we are ready to convert other hospital units across the city into coronavirus hospitals. 

Yesterday I inspected the Municipal Hospital No. 4 which has been set as the first-wave coronavirus facility. It has its own laboratory to conduct the PCR and antibody testing. The hospital beds there are almost 80% full and the hospital is fully equipped to handle all new hospitalisations.

I talked with patients and staff there. The doctors say, the majority of patients are aged 30-60 years now and the hospitals  across Kyiv report more severe cases among recent infections.

Let us take the disease seriously. We cannot afford to be careless!