Kyiv Mayor’s Coronavirus Update – September 14, 2020


The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko held a briefing providing an update on the coronavirus situation in Ukraine’s capital and the measures the city is taking to respond.

Klitschko: The number of coronavirus cases rоsе bу 168 in the past 24 hours. In total, 17,429 cases have been confirmed in Kyiv. Three virus-related fatalities tооk the dеаth tоll to 272. 45 more people have recovered. With this, the total number of recoveries rose to 5,326.

New cases are 90 women (22-90 years old), 63 men (20-78 years old) and 15 children. There are also seven medical workers among new cases. 27 people were admitted to hospitals. 

Dniprovsky district has the highest number of new cases, 48. 

Unfortunately, however prоmіsіng this shаrр fаll in new cases might lооk, it is due to the fact that some laboratories are closed on weekends and do not process the collected samples. 

Speaking about the testing capacity in Kyiv, I want to stress that it is the highest in Ukraine and stands at 217 tests per 100,000 population. Overall, since the beginning of the outbreak, only the municipal healthcare authorities have carried out over 112,600 PCR tests and about 21,000 antibody tests so far.

The mobile response brigades continue to collect samples of the people with symptoms at home. In total, they have taken over 67,000 samples of the individuals, with over 6,000 over the last week.

Since Kyiv is constantly increasing the amount of testing, we are in great need of adequate processing capacity. Currently, the municipality is holding talks to buy and launch another laboratory to conduct collected samples. 

As you know, as of today Kyiv is in the orange epidemiological zone and parents keep asking me whether schools will stay open. 

In the meantime they are operating according to the healthcare protocols and safety guidelines which describe how to prevent the infection clusters and act according to any further developments. Should the situation change, class teachers will handle all adjustments. 

Also, I want to remind you about the ongoing spot-checks of the compliance of restaurants, stores and markets with sanitary requirements. Over the last week the special patrols have inspected 280 such facilities and issued 71 penalty notices. It means every fourth facility violates the health guidelines! No wonder Kyiv has declared the orange zone…

If stricter restrictions are re-imposed, small and medium businesses will be most vulnerable, so I am asking them to work following the safety rules. 

Thank you and please, do not take the threat easy!