Kyiv Mayor’s Coronavirus Update – April 28


The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko held a briefing providing an update on the coronavirus situation in Ukraine’s capital and the measures the city is taking to respond.

Klitschko: New daily cases have dropped in Kyiv, but it is far too early to say about any substantial improvement to the coronavirus situation because unfortunately, the mortality rate remains high.

The total number of infections has risen to 193,690 in Kyiv, with 1,070 more cases over the past 24 hours. New cases include 633 women (aged 18-91), 406 men (18-85 years old) and 31 children. Also, among the infected are 23 healthcare workers.

40 more deaths take the death toll in Kyiv to 4,537. There are 1,174 more overnight recoveries, raising their total number to 122,047.

Darnytsky city district has the highest infection rate, with 201 new cases. 

Coronavirus hospitalisations remain stable so far. 144 new patients are hospitalised with confirmed disease and 157 more with suspected diagnosis. Still, serious cases are not dropping. 2,060 in-patients are very ill, out of a total of 2,829 being treated in local hospitals. 2,402 patients are under oxygen therapy and 57 people are on ventilators. Oxygen-supported hospital beds are almost 56 per cent full. The current bed occupancy rate reaches 48 per cent.

We can now see the positive results of the imposed lockdown, but the coronavirus is still here and we cannot ignore the health risks. Our carelessness can lead to another spike of the disease and, consequently new severe restrictions. 

Speaking about restrictions, today the Kyiv Emergency Commission has eased them up in Kyiv. I hope, the National Emergency Commission will also relax the restrictions and move Ukraine’s capital city back to the orange zone. As of May 1, the public transport in Kyiv returns to its normal operation but under strict health guidelines. Still, I urge Kyivans to avoid travelling by public transport as much as possible.

As of May 5 public kindergartens, schools and universities resume in-person classes. Also, elementary schools will resume school enrollment for first-grade students. 

On May 1 shopping malls, stores, markets, gyms, fitness centres and eateries will reopen under public healthcare guidelines. The public administrative centres in Kyiv will work by online appointment only. 

Let me underline that the police and the Municipal Guard will help enforce compliance with the remaining restrictions. In particular, they will intensify patrols in public open spaces, churches and cemeteries.

The municipality has issued the guidelines for Holy Week and Easter and recommends moving church services and ceremonies online. Also, there are strict rules for churches and congregants.

Let me stress that we are talking about a gradual loosing of restrictions. We plan to ease them up in phases, to ensure we keep control over the situation and have time to respond.

Along with the rest of the regions, Kyiv is running its Covid-19 inoculation programme with the Covishield, CoronaVac та Pfizer vaccines provided by the Health Ministry. Over 52,700 people in Kyiv have already received their first shot. They are mainly medical professionals, municipal social service workers, education workers and the elderly. Additionally, we have received a batch of 35,600 doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine produced in South Korea and today begin the vaccination rollout. 

Thank you! Stay safe and remember to follow the public health guidelines!