Kyiv Mayor’s Coronavirus Update – July 15, 2020


The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko held a briefing providing an update on the coronavirus situation in Ukraine’s capital and the measures the city is taking to respond.

Klitschko: News is grim because as of today we have the highest single-day jump in new coronavirus cases in Kyiv, 147. One person died today and 36 recovered. The latest cases are 66 women (18-71 years old), 73 men (18-85 years old) and eight kids. There are six more confirmed cases among medical staff. 29 patients were admitted to the city hospitals. 

A total of 6,497 Kyivans have been infected with the virus so far. 126 people have died and 2,160 successfully recovered. 

Shevchenkivsky district is the most affected, with 27 more virus transmissions overnight.

As of today, there are 247 COVID-19 in-patients. 39 of them are seriously ill and seven are on a ventilator.

The oldest patient who has died from the coronavirus infection was aged 95 and the youngest was a 25-year-old woman with pre-existing serious health conditions. 

People aged over 65 account for 62% of all virus-related deaths in Kyiv. Almost 24% of fatalities are people aged 50-64. About 13% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are among Kyivans under 49. The mortality rate is the lowest in the age group 18-29, under 1%. The majority of fatalities in Kyiv are people with pre-existing health problems: diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

Please, follow the medical recommendations of your doctor, especially if you have some health problems. 

I am continuing to inspect the progress of hospital renovations. For example, yesterday I was on inspection of the city hospital No. 3, which undergoes a complete overhaul. Improvements include massive upgrade, thermal insulation, roof replacement and refurbishment of some hospital units. Also, I visited the Kyiv Centre for Nephrology and Dialysis located nearby, which provides dialysis treatment for over 500 patients. It also treats coronavirus patients with renal diseases. Since the beginning of the outbreak, there have been 36 such in-patients, now they are two. Besides, the Centre sends a brigade of physicians to the front line hospitals to provide dialysis treatment to coronavirus patients.

The city is expanding its’ PCR and antibody testing capacity, with processing time decreased. Now this capacity is the highest across Ukraine and stands at 111 tests per 100,000 population. The healthcare authorities performed over 4,700 such tests overnight. Overall, since the beginning of the outbreak in Kyiv, they have carried out over 146,000 PCR tests and 55,600 antibody tests so far.

Once again, I want to call everyone to keep a safe distance, use sanitisers and wash your hands, avoid mass gatherings and be careful when visiting public places.