Kyiv Mayor’s Coronavirus Update – October 28, 2020


The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko held a briefing providing an update on the coronavirus situation in Ukraine’s capital and the measures the city is taking to respond.

As you may know, Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko is staying home, under quarantine due to the coronavirus infection. He is working from home and today he is making a virtual appearance to update on coronavirus situation and the city government’s response to it. Our sign language interpreter Lesia Petrivska is also ill and also working from home.

Vitali Klitschko: Many people ask me these days how I am feeling. Unfortunately, my Monday test is also positive. Well, I am doing not bad, quite well even. I take vitamins. The temperature is normal again, but I lost my sense of smell.

I am working from home, always on the phone, as usual, staying in touch with municipal departments and services.

Since we have not flattened the curve, the number of coronavirus cases in Kyiv is still high. It rоsе bу 563 in the past 24 hours to take its total to 35,450. 15 more people died and the current death toll in Kyiv stands at 721. 221 Kyivans recovered to bring the total number of recoveries to 12,146.

New cases are 296 women (18-96 years old), 228 men (18-96 years old) and 39 children. Infected are also 14 medical workers. 52 people were admitted to hospitals. 

Desniansky district has the highest number of new transmissions, 129.

Worryingly, the number of coronavirus hospitalisations is also rising. Among 1,866 coronavirus in-patients, 39 are children. 494 are very ill, 701 need oxygen therapy and 29 are on ventilators. 146 people admitted to hospitals with symptoms are waiting for their test results. 491 Kyivans are hospitalised with pneumonia.

Now the situation in schools. Children will start school on October 29, after the autumn vacation. Still, eight schools will not reopen due to the quarantine. 587 classes in 186 schools will also continue distance learning. The situation is stable right now, but we are closely monitoring it and ready to respond accordingly – either to quarantine more schools or provide distance learning for more classes. 

All schools which have been used as polling stations were thoroughly disinfected. 95 per cent of schools buildings are heated.

Finally, some words about the local election. The final results are still to be announced officially, but according to primary results, you won in the first round with more than 50 per cent of support.

Vitali Klitschko: I want to say thank you to my voters and all those people who keep congratulating me and wishing all the best. I am very honoured to be re-elected. After my six years in office I am very delighted to know that over 50 per cent of Kyivans support me. I think this is a sign of their trust to the changes that are happening in Kyiv, their faith that we are pursuing the right path and Kyiv is changing for the better. At the same time, this is a huge responsibility. 

I am very grateful that I have not lost Kyivans’ trust and fully aware that I have to meet their expectations further. Because there are so many challenges we are facing: fighting the pandemic, protecting the health and lives of people, helping the most vulnerable populations, helping the business to recover and reviving the economy. There is still much to be done and I am ready to work further and do my best to promote Kyiv’s growth.