Kyiv Mayor’s Coronavirus Update – November 20, 2020


The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko held a briefing providing an update on the coronavirus situation in Ukraine’s capital and the measures the city is taking to respond.

Klitschko: The wave of infection is steadily rising both in Kyiv and in Ukraine. New 1,391 coronavirus cases were reported in Kyiv in the past 24 hours. With this, their total number has reached 56,594 so far. 

33 more people died to bring the death toll to 1,080. This is the second-highest number of deaths in a single day in Kyiv. 20,391 patients recovered so far, 376 overnight. 

New cases are 832 women (18-91 years old), 462 men (18-87 years old) and 97 children. Also, there are 64 healthcare workers among new infections which is the highest daily number of new infections among medical professionals.

Hospitalised are 84 patients.

Darnytsky and Desniansky districts lead with 185 and 184 new cases respectively.

The number of new hospitalisations is still growing, reaching 1,966 today. 24 of them are children. 730 in-patients are severely affected, 1,035 are under oxygen therapy and 35 are put on ventilators.

In response to a steady increase in new coronavirus cases, Kyiv expands the coronavirus bed capacity. Currently, there are over 4,500 such beds in 26 municipal coronavirus hospitals. Over 1,200 of them have oxygen access. Today’s bed occupancy rate stands at 52.5 per cent in Kyiv. 

At least 140 COVID-19 inpatients are admitted to the municipal hospital No.7, an addition of 110 since September. Yesterday I inspected the recent hospital’s improvements which include more sites with access to oxygen, an increase of 27 to 40. To be able to admit more coronavirus patients the hospital will further expand its capacity to 200 beds by early December. At least 160 of them will have oxygen support. Also, a new in-house PCR laboratory will be set up in this hospital in the nearest future.

At the same time, we are taking steps to scale up beds for COVID-19 patients and retrofit some hospitals to be able to add over 600 oxygen-supported beds.

Currently, eight schools in Kyiv are quarantined. 943 classes in 261 schools across the city are in self-isolation due to virus transmissions. 1,080 school students and about 740 teachers are active coronavirus cases so far. Also, five entire kindergartens and 171 groups in 132 nurseries are in quarantine and temporarily closed. The current kindergarten attendance rate is over 50%.

As you may know, a 10% discount is applied to all housing and utility bills if paid by the end of the month. This must make the bills payable for Kyiv’s citizens during this crisis. Unpaid bills dерrіve the municipal budget of rеvеnuе nесеssаrу for its ореrаtіоn as well as payroll for 20,000 municipal workers. 

Today there is a great variety of online payment platforms, so please pay your bills. Besides, we encourage Kyivans to help their elderly family members learn to use the online payment method.

We are doing everything we can to protect the health and lives and deliver healthcare services to Kyivans. Please, help us and follow public health recommendations. Take care of your health and keep yourself and your family safe!