Kyiv Mayor’s Coronavirus Update – November 27, 2020


The mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko held a briefing providing an update on the coronavirus situation in Ukraine’s capital and the measures the city is taking to respond.

Klitschko: We have 1,520 new coronavirus cases in Kyiv in the past 24 hours which is the highest number of cases reported in a single day. This brings the total number of virus transmissions in Kyiv to 65,539.

375 Kyivans recovered, bringing the total number of recoveries to 22,317. There are 26 more overnight deaths raising the death toll to 1,253.

The latest infections are 869 women (18-83 years old), 607 men (aged 19-92) and 44 children. Also, further 56 medical workers tested positive overnight. 

121 people are admitted to hospitals. This is the highest single-day increase in the number of hospitalisations.  Currently, 2,088 in-patients are being treated, 31 kids included. 858 of them are very sick. 1,233 patients need oxygen support and 30 are put on a ventilator.

Desniansky district is the most affected among all Kyiv’s neighbourhoods, with 250 new transmissions.

Now some words about the situation in schools which we are keeping under control so far due to a combined effort of school staffers and parents. Safety measures are in place in schools, parents keep the sick students home. But we all are aware that the epidemic situation can worsen anytime and we must do everything possible to prevent the spread of the virus. Children having COVID-19 are often asymptomatic but still can spread the virus. 

Six schools are put under quarantine. Students from a total of 1,082 classes in 277 facilities are staying in self-isolation and learning remotely.

Active cases are 1,358 schoolers and 960 teachers. Quarantined are 205 kindergarten classes in 154 preschools as well as eight entire nursery schools. The current kindergarten attendance is over 51%.

Based on the national government’s ordinance and guidance of the chief public health officer, the Kyiv Emergency Commission approved that parents and guests do not attend the New Year school celebrations this year. This year it will be a children-only occasion. This measure aims to prevent the mass gatherings and slow the virus transmission in Kyiv and we hope that the educational facilities and parents will respect this recommendation.


Finally, some words about the most tragic date in our history. Tomorrow we commemorate Holodomor and Political Repression Memorial Day. Millions of Ukrainians died of the man-made Soviet famine. The regime tried to break their will and dignity and destroy their national identity. We have to preserve the memory of Holodomor victims and spread the truth about the tragedy. What is also important is that we ourselves must recognise the genocide of the Ukrainian people. 

Tomorrow, on Saturday at 16.00 let us light a candle in a window paying tribute to the memory of innocent victims.