Klitschko thanks Kyivans for their trust and calls on newly elected Kyivrada to meet the interests of Kyivans


In a video Vitali Klitschko posted on Facebook, he addressed Kyivans and the newly elected Kyivrada.

“I would like to say thank you to Kyivans who have аffіrmеd thеіr соnfіdеnсе in me and let me win in the first round of the mayoral election. I am grateful to all Kyivans regardless of their voting choice who came to the polling places to vote. I feel very honoured to be elected. At the same time, I feel a great responsibility for implementing positive changes for the city and its citizens. I will continue to work hard for all people living in Kyiv and change the city for the better,” he emphasized. “Addressing the newly elected members of Kyivrada, I want to remark that this year’s campaign was challenging due to the coronavirus, economic crisis as well as the crisis of trust in the society. New Kyivrada has to become a role model of the city council whose members must work for their voters and their city no matter what their political views and ambitions are.”

Also, he noted that it is irresponsible to jockey for positions or argue who is more distinguished today because we all are living in a new reality which calls for efficient and proactive decisions aimed at saving the health and lives of Kyivans. Because the coronavirus cases are climbing, the economy is so weak and business faces a tough time.

“Now, we all have to address those challenges without exhausting political battles. So let us focus on further productive cooperation rather than endless political debates which are of no interest or use whatsoever to the people. Also, we will have to work to a tight deadline to approve the 2021 operating budget which has been steadily growing over those years,” said Klitschko. “I am calling on all relevant stakeholders to hold consultations prior to the first city council meeting to save both time and public confidence. Kyiv must and will grow. I have done everything possible for this and I will remain committed to this goal!” he underlined.